Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Endless Cycle...

I know that history repeats itself, but this is crazy. Taken from the introduction to The Beloit College Mindset List for the Class of 2013:

"If the entering college class of 2013 had been more alert back in 1991 when most of them were born, they would now be experiencing a severe case of déjà vu. The headlines that year railed about government interventions, bailouts, bad loans, unemployment and greater regulation of the finance industry. The Tonight Show changed hosts for the first time in decades, and the nation asked “was Iraq worth a war?”

The list itself is an incredible read, for these students:
- The European Union has always existed.
- Smokers have never been promoted as an economic force that deserves respect.
- Most communities have always had a mega-church.
- For one reason or another, California’s future has always been in doubt.

It's amazing how fast time goes by and how quickly some things change, equally amazing is how some other things never change.

Also check out the commentary by Guy Chmieleski at his blog, This Day On The Journey.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Time off is great

These past few weeks I've been trying to enjoy some much needed vacation time. Since I've been married (almost two months) I've been on the road way too much and the Fall is going to be just as busy, so I'm trying to make sure I use this time I have at home now be around as much as possible. However, since Laura has a real job it does leave me with a lot of free time during the day, which I have greatly enjoyed. I've gotten all sorts of productive stuff done and have had time to play around with all my little hobbies (such as this blog and a redesign of my website). I know that this time won't last forever (and I think that is a large part of why it is so enjoyable), but until I hit the road again next month for The Revolve Tour, I'm just enjoying life with my wife (hey that rhymed! maybe I should try my hand at some poetry...)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Bridal Portraits Slideshow

This is a little slideshow I made over the weekend using Laura's bridal portraits and some pictures of her bridal party getting ready. Gotta love iPhoto's snazzy templates!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Sad to see go

I was saddened today to learn that my favorite URL shortening service has shutdown (CNET article here). Apparently they decided there was no way to ever monetize the venture so it was best to shut it down now. I must confess, I don't fully understand the Silicon Valley business models that allow companies (i.e. Twitter) to operate on such a large scale with no primary source of income, but that's a whole other discussion. In anycase, I appreciated while it was around and am sad to see it go...

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Finally Home, and I'm married!

The last few months my blogging has slowed considerably. I was really slammed with wedding stuff, moving, and trying to juggle work. All blessings of coarse, I'm thrilled to be married and need the work, but it has sadly not left much time for tending to my little blog. But I'm back now, and will try to continue to provide updates as they come along.

Pictures from the wedding are up on Facebook (Album 1 & Album 2) so go have a look!